Karash Adventure Indonesia

It is started  from those who love for outdoor adventures.  Karash was established in 1991,  when many expatriates in Jakarta  looked for a hiking partner to explore mountains in Indonesia.

1991 : Karash Founded

On July 8, 1991, PT. Kria Rancang Artistika was founded, with a line of business Adventure Organizers and Outdoor Training, using the Brand Name “Karash”

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2000 : Karash, Adventure and Training

At the beginning of 2000 Tag Line Karash turned into Adventure and Training.  The element of learning began to be included in the pulse of Karash activities to fulfill client demands of diverse activities.

2005 : Camp Bravo

Camp Bravo was operated in 2005,  It is a beautiful natural camping ground at the foot of Mount Salak, Cidahu village, Bogor, Sukabumi. It is a remote place but easily to reach.

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2007 : RaGentar

Karash was trusted to construct RaGentar an Adrenaline Park in Umbul Sidomukti – Ungaran, Central Java.

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2010 : GoClimb

In 2010 Karash built GoClimb, a special unit for mountain climbing and challenging trips.

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2014 : HIGH Reach

In 2014 the HIGH Reach business unit was established to focus in handling construction calculations, sling and wire bonding systems, arrange safety operation procedures, and training for operators.

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