Karash Adventure Indonesia

Doe At The Glance

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is the world’s leading youth achievement Aaward, equipping young people to become #WORLDREADYfor life. Over the past 60 years, the Award has transformed the lives of millions of young people in more than 1304 countries and territories worldwide. We are a global framework for Non Formal Education and Learning.

The Award is available to all young people from 14 to 24. It is voluntary non-competitive, enjoyable and balance, and requires sustained effort over time. The Award encourages young people to design their own programmed of activities, set their own goals and challenge themselves to achieve their aims.

The DoE International Awards has three levels that must be accomplished for 4 equally important activity session Community Service , Skills, Physical Recreation, Adventure Journey, and 5 for Gold Residential Project (for Gold only). The following levels are as follows:
– Bronze 14 Yo up
– Silver 15 Yo up
– Gold 16 Yo up

  • Confidence
  • Managing feelings
  • Resilience and determination
  • Relationship and leadership
  • Creativity and adaptability
  • Planning and problem solving
  • Civic competence
  • Intercultural competence
  • Personal and social wellbeing
  • Communications

Karash Experities

    Adventurous Journey Supervisors – the people responsible for organising and carrying out the Adventurous Journey section with the participants and they take a legal responsibility for the health and safety of groups while out on their journeys.
    Adventurous Journey Assessor –the person who certifies that the young people have
    successfully completed this section of the Award.